Saturday, August 2, 2008


I know this blog is a night late, but this week has been crazy and to be completely honest I overlooked adding this weeks post until just NOW! Why was my week so crazy you ask?! Well, I took my GREs today. I JUST registered for them on Monday ...long story not so short, I thought we could take 15 credits as a conditional student and ends up you can only take 12 and this course will provide my 12th! PLUS I had already registered and paid for my 15th credit this fall! Not knowing what to do I contacted Dr. T and am trying to speed through the process of getting approved for matriculation! My plan was to take the test later in August so I had time to prepare, but the only available appointment for the month was today! ::breath:: SOOOO, things have been crazy and I have been spending every night trying to brush up on my math and vocab ;-) I won't go into too much detail about how I did... lets just leave it as I am disappointed with my Verbal performance, but was impressed with my Quantitative skills!

For some reason, I have never really been successful when it comes to vocabulary and grammar. Just to give you some high school English AP teacher told me I had the grammar of a third grader (how I got into English AP I will never know!)! I am always one of those people who is quadruple checking my papers, essays, and even postings before I submit them. My best friends during college and thus far in grad school have been the dictionary and thesaurus! So it didn't come as a complete shock when I saw that I did a lot better on the math! But hopefully my total score will be good enough to keep me in the program with all you lovely people...keep your fingers crossed for me!

I'm not really gonna post on anything Ed. Tech related right now...I'm kinda drained. I guess you could just check out the webquest that my group and I completed this week if you haven't already!

Till next time...

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